
Monday, March 3, 2014

DIY Baby Closet Dividers

As always, when I'm doing something new, I scour Pinterest for ideas.
I was looking for nursery DIY projects and came across some cool closet dividers for baby clothing.
The problem with all the ones I found, was that they had to be purchased (no thank you!), or they weren't adjustable (i.e. had a permanent 0-3 months stamped across). This doesn't make sense to me because they are only going to be in 0-3 month clothes for 3 months, IF they don't grow fast!

I decided to make my own dividers with chalkboard imprints so that I can change the sizes down the road to 2T, 3T, etc.

So here's my tutorial:

I started at Michael's where you can get the following: 
scrapbook paper of your choice
doorknob hangers
chalkboard paint
spraypaint (if desired)
mod podge

I choose yellow and gray colours to match my nursery:

I started by spraypainting the doorhangers white. 
(well actually, the husband did that so that his pregnant wife could safely avoid the fumes).

I measured out squares and painted inside the squares with chalkbaord paint. 
I stayed 3/4 of an inch away from the edge for the squares.

Then I traced a cut the scrapbook paper to fit the front and back of the hangers. 
An x-acto knife works best for cutting the chalkboard square out.

Then I mod podged the paper to the hangers doing one side, letting it dry, and then the other side.

When the mod podge was dry, I stamped different animals using various Close to My Heart scrapbooking stamps.

Next, I used workable fixatif (from Michael's again) to stiffen the cardstock that I stamped onto, and to make sure that the ink wouldn't run later on. 
It sprays on like spray paint and dries very quickly.

 Then, to give the animal pictures a 3D effect, I used 3D pop-up tape to adhere them - you can find this at most dollar stores for cheap! 
I also used crazy glue to ensure that the pieces would be stuck on for the long haul. 

And here is the finished product :) 
They perfectly match our neutral gray and yellow nursery! 

And they fit perfectly in the closet to separate the few clothing items we have so far :) 

Hope you enjoyed the tutorial! 
 Please comment if you have any questions or suggestions! 



  1. They look fabulous!! Does the chalk rub off on the clothes if they bump it??

    1. Thanks! The chalk did fade after a month or so. I just wrote it on again :)
